Post History
It was in 1946 when a small group of veterans gathered in the old Norfolk, Virginia area know as Oakdale Farms for the purpose of organizing a Post of the American Legion, Department of Virginia. The decision to organize an American Legion Post resulted from the conclusion of these Veterans that the American Legion was the representative Veterans' organization in this country. That conclusion has been proven true as today the American Legion is the largest wartime Veterans' organization with nearly 15,000 local Posts throughout America and over 3 million members who care about America, Veterans, their families and our nation's youth.
On August 26, 1946 a temporary Charter was issued to Oakdale Farms, Post 327.
A permanent charter was issued December 12, 1947. The Post name was later changed and a duplicate charter was issued on July 2, 1956 to Tidewater Post 327. The name was changed after acquiring property on Lesner Avenue at Tidewater Drive.
Johnb Libak was the first Commander from 1946 -1948.
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